Wednesday, December 4, 2013

From World History: A Free Marco Polo DBQ and Group Work Tip

We did a great Common Core DBQ  (Document Based Question) Activity in World History class today. I got to hear students arguing about curriculum and it was like music to my ears!
Here's a great tip I inherited from a colleague. When students do a group activity have them create a pie chart on the activity that shows what percent of the work each individual performed. You can see an example at the top left of the picture above. All group members have to agree and sign his/her name on it. I had to GLADLY mediate a few heated group pie chart discussions, but accountability is such an awesome thing! Don't forget to let them know ahead of time about the pie chart expectation upon activity completion. I have found it to be a HUGE motivator.
Today's accountability quote, "You mean I don't get full credit if I just colored and titled the poster?" Really? I love Middle School!
Signing off from the "He Said" history side of Instructomania- Sincerely, Tony

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